Heidi J Schmidt // Marketing & Creative Services

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What to Post About When You Don’t Know What to Post

Writer’s block. We’ve all had it. Whether a client has nothing going on because summer slows down for E V E R Y O N E, or whether you’re just… out of ideas. Generating engaging content consistently can be a challenge for any creative or entrepreneur who is creating their own content.

I’ve been brainstorming a lot with other content creators, and seeing what other people recommend. It’s tough when you work mostly solo and don’t have people to bounce ideas off of regularly! So I thought about what advice I’ve been doling out to other creators on teams I work with when there’s either not a lot going on with the brand, or when you just don’t know what to post.

Here are 10 ideas to reignite the content spark when you feel like it’s dimmed a bit!

I’m a big fan of looking back at great-performing content from a year, six months, or even three months ago. Social media content has such as short lifespan, repurposing content can help fill in the blanks when you’re drawing a blank.

Behind the scenes

Offer your audience an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at your brand. Share photos or videos of your team in action, your office space, or the process behind creating your products. This humanizes your brand and helps build a genuine connection with your followers.

Survey the audience

Get your audience involved by conducting quick polls or surveys related to your industry or niche. Ask their opinions on trending topics or upcoming product releases. This not only engages your followers but also provides valuable insights that can guide your business decisions.

Tips & Tricks/ Evergreen content

Demonstrate your expertise by sharing useful tips, tricks, or tutorials relevant to your industry. It could be a step-by-step guide, a quick how-to video, or a list of best practices. Educating your audience establishes you as a trusted source of information and keeps them coming back for more. Plus these are evergreen! So they can be repurposed in the future!

Motivational or Inspirational Messages

Everyone loves a little inspiration now and then. Share motivational quotes or uplifting messages that resonate with your brand values and target audience. These positive vibes create an emotional connection and foster engagement.

Throwback Content

Take a trip down memory lane by sharing nostalgic content from your brand's past - maybe an anniversary or a milestone? It could be a memorable campaign, a milestone achievement, or a significant event. Reflecting on the journey creates a sense of nostalgia and sparks conversations among your followers.

Industry News & Updates

Stay up to date with the latest trends, news, or developments in your industry. Share insightful articles, statistics, or thought-provoking content that adds value to your followers' lives. Being a reliable source of industry information positions you as an authority in your field.


Garner some engagement by fostering your audience's creativity with fill-in-the-blank or caption contests. Share an image or a sentence and encourage your followers to provide their own creative responses. These interactive posts generate excitement and boost engagement.

UGC (User Generated Content)
Turn to your community for content inspiration. Encourage your followers to share their experiences with your product or service, and repost their content. UGC not only saves you time and effort but also highlights satisfied customers, fostering trust and authenticity.

Seasonal Content

Tap into the festive spirit by creating content around seasonal events or holidays. Share holiday wishes, create themed graphics, or run special promotions. Aligning your content with the current season helps you stay relevant and captures your audience's attention. Now that it’s summer, I definitely have a few clients with not a lot going on so we’ve been leaning into some summer content and some social media holidays to fill the blanks!


Pose questions to your followers and ask for their recommendations or opinions. It could be anything from book recommendations to favorite travel destinations. This not only sparks conversations but also helps you gain insights into your audience's preferences.


When in doubt, tie it back to a fun meme.

Who doesn’t love a good meme?! They’re fun, they garner engagement, and they make people laugh. When utilizing memes, make sure to jump on the train early (an example of one I did for a client last year during the lil miss craze of 2022.), stay on brand, and don’t utilize CTAs in the actual meme. You want to garner engagement and make an impression not be offensive.

Next time you find yourself unsure of what to post on social media, add these ideas to your calendar to spark your creativity. Remember, authenticity, engagement, and value should be at the core of your content strategy. Experiment, analyze the results, and adjust accordingly. By consistently providing compelling content, you'll keep your social media channels buzzing with activity and foster stronger connections with your audience. Need some support? Download our content calendar planner to help you hash out ideas and get to the core of your strategy.