Four Social Media Predictions for 2023

Here we are my friends! At the end of another year!

As we all set goals for ourselves and our businesses, the experts are busy predicting what the landscape is going to look like in the year ahead. Social media changes so frequently, strategies need to evolve and so too does the content that you need to create to succeed on social.

What does that mean for the social media world? Well, there were certainly some big changes this year (looking at you, Twitter!) but let’s be realistic about where social media is heading next year so you can make sure your strategy is on point in the year ahead to see results in the everchanging environment that is social media.

  1. Video is NOT going anywhere

    TikTok, in the past two years has grown to be the most popular social media network with 138 million daily users. Instagram, while behind that, has heavily invested in the versatile format. While TikTok is still garnering a younger audience, do not underestimate the millennial users on the platform who may not necessarily be creating but are certainly watching. The platform, while still popular, does leave some security concerns with its connection to China. In that realm, may have a shaky future in the US over the next couple of years. If you’re skeptical about TikTok, and frustrated with the constant algorithm changes of Instagram, it may be time to consider YouTube shorts - a platform ripe for its own takeoff.

    Being owned by Google, makes YouTube the second largest search engine which makes it appealing to brands. YouTube Shorts are 60 second videos - similar to Reels, however, creators are still skeptical of monetization. Regardless of which platform you choose, investing in creating short-form videos that educate and excite your audience can garner new audiences, some engagement and hopefully convert some of them to sales. Additionally, if you create for one platform, it’s still easy to repurpose and measure to see which platform gets you the best results.

  2. Twitter will still be a major player
    On the realm that video isn’t going anywhere, and neither is Twitter. The changes he’s made have certainly been a turn-off for many, however, the real-time aspect as well as the conversational aspect of the platform make it an easy way for many brands to talk directly to customers. Those who enjoy posting in real time aren’t necessarily going to flock to Instagram or Facebook - other social platforms simply don’t deliver on the conversational aspect the way that Twitter does. That being said, large media does seem to be divorcing itself from Twitter due to Elon Musk’s promotion of right-wing causes and conspiracies. The Verve predicts that “By the end of 2023, Twitter [will] no longer set the daily news agenda by default for the entire US press.”

  3. Watch out for Recommended content
    Meta is leaning heavily into the recommended content - Facebook will have two feeds - Recommended Content and the Friends and Family Feed. Instagram too, continues to recommend content - especially video content - in their algorithm. With the TikTok For You Page keeping users in App for nearly 2x longer than Instagram and Facebook users - Meta is going to keep trying to replicate that recommended content algorithm in its efforts to catch up to TikTok.

  4. Authenticity Will Keep Winning
    Listen, there’s a lot of noise on social media. I think users are tired of brand perfection and really crave authenticity. Things that are a little off the cuff - authenticity and video go hand in hand so if you think about content that has meaning, the over-photoshopped content is just not going to cut it anymore. Less polished content from brands, celebs, and influencers is going to be leading the way on social in 2023. See also, the “Instagram photo-dump phenomenon.” From stories to carousels, these curated groups of photos show an event or tell a story. The difference between photo dumps and carousels is that photo dumps are a little more casual,

So how do you set up your social for success in 2023?

  • Focus on the hook. With so much content being created, it’s more important than ever to create content with a captivating hook. If you can’t tell someone within 3 seconds, why they should care/keep watching - you’re going to lose them. So spend the most time on that captivating hook - nothing else matters if you lose them.

  • Find your audience. You don’t have to be everything to everyone. Find out where your ideal audience hangs out and invest your time and efforts in connecting with them authentically there.

  • Don’t be afraid of Showing Up. When we talk about video, we mean YOU. your brand. Stock videos are well and good enough, but when you show up authentically and talk about your expertise - that’s when the magic of social media happens. Your audience engages, and thus… converts.

  • Pay to Play. Ads, while a necessary evil, can be successful - especially if you’re building brand awareness, and looking to increase engagement. For those who are skeptical about ads, I always recommend starting with a smaller budget. The more frequently you run ads, the more you learn your audience, and then you can reengage them with lead gen/conversion ads. It’s a long game, and unfortunately, more and more Meta especially, is pay to play.

  • Don’t rely on one medium. Multi-channel marketing is where it’s at these days. You can’t be on social without creating content, and if you’re creating content you might as well be blogging, and you might as well be building an email list. Your email list, we know, is people who WANT to hear from you. While social is a David v. Goliath battle against algorithms that don’t always work in your favor - if you have an email list of customers or leads who GAVE you their email, they expect to/want to hear from you and learn more about what you offer. Blogging ensures you’re playing the SEO long game and gives you content to promote on social and email. It’s all a web and they work in tandem to provide opportunities to build your community and convert your audience.

If you’re looking for support or a thoughtful marketing strategy, get in touch to learn how we can help you have your best year ever.


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