Four Ways to Repurpose Content for Social Media

I talk a lot about repurposing content. A lot of marketers do…because otherwise we’d ALWAYS be creating. When if we create ONE great piece of content, it can be repurposed into MULTIPLE pieces of marketing content. Repurposing is key and helps you get more mileage out of your hard work.

Once you have your content strategy, and your content pillars (buckets/topics - whatever you want to call them), repurposing content is breezy. Utilize a content calendar to get track your activities and to help you batch your content. I say this, and I see it often among the marketing professionals community - repurposing your content IS self-care and it’s so so true. So here are some easy ideas to repurpose longer form pieces and get more mileage out of your efforts.


Videos perform really well on social media these days. So taking a longer form video and chunking it into 1 minute reels, sharing 1 - 3 tips or tricks is a great opportunity to repurpose for social media. If you utilize tik tok or are active on youtube, you can also repurpose and reshare videos here.


I LOVE me a good blog. Blogs have not only SEO juice, but they are a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. They’re super shareable on social media, and similar to podcasts and videos, can be repurposed super easily, are easy to promote through email, and social media. BIG fan of the blogs (fun fact, I’ve been blogging since 2001 - intermittently in the last five years or so because.. life, parenting and the early days of my Agency life didn’t bode well for my personal brand. But it’s still one of my favorite creative outlets AND recommendations for businesses when it comes to online marketing activities.) From your blogs create short form videos sharing tips/tricks; carousel posts; infographics, and of course share via email (i do this!). Got a bunch of blogs on the same topic? Create a downloadable tip sheet or ebook to generate leads from your website.


Podcasts get a LOT of mileage on social media - you can create audiograms from soundbites into basically, short, social friendly videos. Quote graphics, and of course, creating blogs out of the topic of the podcasts. The opportunities with podcasts are endless. If you HAVE a podcast, and need a thoughtful strategy on how to repurpose your content, we can chat! However, if podcasting isn’t in your wheelhouse, they can be a lot of legwork to get them set up and going.


Send a bunch of emails? Regularly? Why not repurpose what’s in those emails for social? Again, you’re doing the work creating emails to go to your audience, take the messaging and create social content around it. Not to mention, if you have a bunch of social media content and need some email marketing foder look at your social media profiles and look at the tips you’ve been sharing and how you can repurpose into an email campaign to engage your audience. I always tell my clients that when someone signs up on your website, they are INTERESTED in you, what you offer - email addresses are currency when it comes to online marketing and when someone gives you theirs, they are more likely to convert or spend money with you or your business.

Download our content promotion checklist for more ideas on how to promote the $#!t out of your content to make sure you’re getting the most mileage you can out of it. Want to work with us to create a strategy that helps ensure your content efforts get results? Get in touch!


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