How Do You Get Leads When You Don’t Have an Audience?

So you’re just starting out with your dream business - you have an amazing service that you want to offer, or maybe you’ve just struck out on your own - but you need leads. Like, yesterday.

But because you’re just starting out, you’re still very much in the brand awareness phase of your marketing funnel. You’ve just started posting to social and your website traffic is probably next to nothing.

I get it. I’ve been THERE. Heck, I’m still in that phase (mainly because I haven’t invested time in my own marketing, I give all my time to my clients and that’s what I’ve been doing for the past three+ years.). But, if you’re trying to diversify your income (it’s me), let’s talk about actionable strategies to help you not only connect with your audience online and off but also foster trust, generate leads, and fuel your growth.

Six Ways to Generate Some Leads for Your Business

  1. Set up a contact form on your website

    Any sort of service provider should have a website. Legit, even if it’s just a “Link in Bio” page - having a place where people can find your contact information is key to starting to collect those leads - AND keep them organized. You’d be surprised by the number of websites that don’t have a clear way to generate leads - either from a simple contact form, or a newsletter sign-up. Even if you don’t do regular email marketing yet, capture those leads with a form. (Also, don’t you want people to be able to get in touch with you?!)

  2. Create a Lead Magnet

    More than just having a form on your website, why not create a “freebie” of value for people to download? Something that’s helpful, that shows off your expertise, helps them solve a problem, and eventually allows you to nurture them through a funnel to want more from you. This could be something simple like a checklist, a workbook, an ebook, or a guide. Having a downloadable piece is also something you can market online through your social channels, put behind some facebook ads. Not everyone is going to be ready to work with you, but creating that lead magnet gets them onto your list so you can stay top of mind so that they’ll convert into a lead when they’re ready for your service or product.

  3. Utilize Your Network

    My first client I got from posting to LinkedIn. A simple post, saying I was accepting clients for social media management. An acquaintance reached out and a couple of weeks later, I had my first contract signed! I’ve been working with them ever since. But if you’re desperate for clients, or leads, tapping into the network that you already have - this is the power of your LinkedIn personal brand - is a great way to throw yourself out there. Share your content on your personal LinkedIn page, and your personal Facebook page. Let your network know you’re offering X service (coaching, business, or otherwise!). You never know who might be looking for what you’re offering!

  4. Join Networking Groups

    My first thought here was “all politics are local” but that’s irrelevant - HA! But really, I joined my local business association, I started going to local Rising Tide meetings, and just started passing my business card out. Many other business owners will join their local Chamber of Commerce or a BNI group. While, not gonna lie, these have not been super lucrative for ME, the name recognition alone IS. “Oh, I know so and so does that. Do you have their info?” My own business association has given me opportunities to lead training workshops, and it’s been a great way for me to give back to my community.

  5. Facebook Groups

    When I first started freelancing three years ago, I joined a group led by a fellow Junior League member, who also happens to be a business owner and executive coach specifically towards women in business. She has built an INCREDIBLE community and when I say many of my clients have come from this group, I mean it! It’s a great place to go and many business owners in that group refer each other. You learn who’s an expert in what, and because of the spirit of community over competition and supporting other women, everyone is happy to provide referrals. Some of my BEST clients (I mean all my clients are fantastic, to be honest) have come out of this group. So find a group where your audience is, and go post there. Don’t just be salesy - be a resource. Share advice and make sure you abide by any rules the group may have about “promotional postings.”

  6. Facebook Ads

    If you’re trying to build a list, Facebook ads are a great way to target your ideal audience to generate some leads. You MAY want to run some brand awareness ads to build that audience first BUT, if your budget is limited and you have a great offer, you can run lead generation ads OR drive to a landing page to build your list and market to them once they are on your email list.

Listen, you don’t need a MASSIVE audience to generate leads through social media or your website. Lean into traditional means to build your business if you’re a service provider, if you’re an online business look into Facebook ads to get results in a shorter period of time. Lead generation is certainly an uphill battle, however, if you play the long game and focus on showing up consistently to build that brand awareness and move your audience - whatever size it is - through your marketing funnel.

If you show up, if you post, they will come.


Need help with some lead-generating strategies? Get in touch to learn how we can help you develop a strategy to accomplish your lead-generation goals through social media and content marketing.


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