How Often Should You Post on Social Media

I get this question a lot.

Honestly, there’s no right or wrong answer. The key is consistency.

I mean, sure there are best practices - this is why my clients hire me - to manage their scheduling. I had a client where we were posting five times per day but it wasn't working well. The key is not quantity. It’s quality.

Quality content wins. Quality content that is engaging, answers questions and brings your brand to life.

You can post 5 times per day, but I can nearly promise you that you won’t get the engagement you think you will, and it’s just going to hurt those “quality” type scores because when you post that much, more often than not, the quality is trash. There, I said it.

More is not always better - unless you’re talking about things like MORE time on the weekends, MORE cheese on nachos, and MORE sleep.

So how much should you post, take a look at this infographic for some tips on how often to post and the best days and times to post.

best times to post.png

Most social networks, generally do best with 1-2 posts per day. However, all of these are guidelines, and you should check your own analytics and see what the engagement rate is on days when you post more or less.

Need help developing a thoughtful social media strategy that delivers results and gets engagement? Let’s talk!


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