How to Repurpose Your Content

So you have a whole bunch of content, and you feel like you’ve promoted it, but what now?

While blog posts do their SEO thing in the Google-sphere, what else do you do with them? How else can they help you get found, build brand awareness, and just drive your marketing strategy forward without always needing to recreate the wheel when it comes to content?

  1. Repurpose blog posts into social media posts

  2. Repurpose Videos into Blog Posts

  3. Turn Blog posts into easy lead magnets like ebooks and tip sheets

  4. Turn Videos into social media posts and repurpose for IGTV

  5. Turn a series of blog posts on one topic into a content pillar page.

  6. Repurpose podcasts into blog posts

  7. Promote old blog posts in emails

  8. Share a short video expanding on an old blog post

  9. Create infographics of old blogs or ebooks

There’s no shortage of ideas on how to repurpose content. If you have one well-written piece, the opportunities are endless.

But why? Why you ask, why would I repurpose content? Well, let me tell you.

  1. Save Time
    We all know it takes time to create content. Pulling quotes, statistics, and research from already created content saves production time allowing you to churn out more content in less time.

  2. Serve Different Audiences

    Not everyone learns or consumes content the same way. Not everyone enjoys reading long-form blog posts, some would rather watch videos. Others consume more content from social media so shorter snippets might be useful. Consider your audiences and how you can broaden them when you think about which repurposing efforts may best serve your goals and where the audience you’re trying to reach is.

No matter what, make sure you know who your ideal audience is, and where they live online. It doesn’t make sense to push out your content on Instagram if you know your audience is more of a Linkedin crowd.

If you want ideas on how to promote your content (and subsequently, how to repurpose it…) download our content promotion checklist. You’ll find ways on how to repurpose and get more miles out of all the content you create so you can generate more leads and have more opportunities to be found online.


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