How to Stay Consistent on Social Media

“Just show up” used to be a “motto” of some friends I had a while ago. True in life for the people that mean the most, and true on social media.

I get it!

Showing up consistently for a lot of things can be difficult! In life we have kids, busy schedules, and sometimes we straight up just don’t want to (#introvertproblems). But whether you’re starting a new workout plan, or shooting for some big business goals by creating content weekly (hi! It’s me!), showing up is necessary. Showing consistently can be tough, even tougher on social media when you feel like if you fall off that posting wagon for a day or two, all the efforts are down the drain.

It’s important though to keep in mind that consistency is not the same as frequency. You can post 7 times per week but if you do that one week and then fall off for three weeks, that’s inconsistent. Right? If you go to the gym once, you won’t reach your fitness or weight-loss goals - you need to show up X number of days consistently to reach those goals.

When it comes to social media, being inconsistent impacts how well you show up in the algorithm, so when consider what’s realistic for you to post CONSISTENTLY. Social media is not all or nothing though. Here are my best tips for showing up consistently:

Plan your Content

Set time in your weekly calendar, and map out your content for the week (or month if you’re ambitious!). Working in the time to plan out your social media (and/or email and blog content) ensures that you show up consistently - maybe that’s twice per week or maybe it’s every day - but if you take the time to plan it out it’s easier to stick the schedule.

Batch Your Content

We’ve talked about this before. Doing a little each day means it’s easy to fall by the wayside with other things that might be a higher priority. Batching content in weekly batches makes it easier to get ahead and know that you’ll have something scheduled and/or posted. This also helps to avoid writer’s block because you’ll look at your plan for content for the week and be able to knock them all out. Maybe you still need to take photos or create images, but at the very least, the content will be written. Think of how you can create content ahead of time (I plan out blog posts in ClickUp and social content in Loomly). If I have anything that pops up I can add it to a note in Apple Notes and figure out what I’m going to do with it later.

Repurpose Content

If content creation is what overwhelms you, look at the content you HAVE and think about how you can reuse/repurpose it for different platforms. Can you turn a blog post into a video or a reel? Can you turn a video into a carousel or infographic for social media? There are DOZENS of ways to repurpose content.

Set Goals

Do you have goals for how your social media efforts work for your business or your blog? Do you want more followers? More clicks to your website? Setting realistic goals to give you a benchmark to measure against can help create that consistency when you see actual results from your efforts.

Schedule in advance with automation

This goes along with batching content. Using a tool like Loomly, Facebook Business Suite, Buffer, Tailwind or Hootsuite can help set yourself up for success.  Buffer has a neat chrome extension that allows you to schedule a post if you’re reading an article, and Tailwind has one for Pinterest as well. Having a scheduler so you can plan in advance, you know that content is being posted on autopilot!

Remember, social media doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start small and don’t let yourself fall into an “all or nothing” trap. Download our free social media planning guide to help you plan your content to show up consistently!


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