VIP Content Creation Day

Need help showing up on Reels? Let’s work together!

Are you an entrepreneur or online business owner looking to make strides in the online marketing space?

Do you want to publish reels because you’ve heard they’re effective to broaden your reach to new audiences?

You feel stuck and don’t know what types of reels work, or how to even get started. I see you.


  • Having NO IDEA what to post and feeling pressured to show up on social media anyhow?

  • Knowing you don’t want to dance on reels, but unsure of how to create reels that are on trend and will actually reach more than 30 people?

  • Struggling to create valuable and engaging content that will reach your ideal audience - not just friends and family who support you?

  • Missing out on sales because you don’t know how to promote your business?

I’ve Been There. I Get It

I’ve been in that same position. For too long, I focused on my clients and neglected my own social media and growth. I often found myself overthinking, or scrambling with my own content. Because let’s face it, creating content is overwhelming.

Especially when you know your value, but you’re unsure of how to communicate it to them without being too sales-y.

I had no idea what my audience wanted or needed—and no clue about how to give it to them. 

Instead, I learned to batch my content, researched trends, and offers and listened to my clients and my network when it came to what they struggled with and what they needed to hear to be more confident with their own social media.

I started going on site with my retainer clients because I realized, I they needed help creating the content that I needed from them to help them show up consistently.

This is what led to VIP Content Days. Because even if you don’t want to or can’t outsource your social media, that doesn’t mean you can’t hire support to help you create the content you need to show up consistently.

What You Get

  • 1 hour planning session where we talk about your struggles, your goals for the next 90 days, and business objectives that we may want to build content around

  • We'll come to our shoot with content ideas mapped out, and a shot list of still photos, b-roll videos for evergreen content, and trendy ideas in your industry that we want to jump onto.

  • You'll receive content with edited reels and photos, captions, hashtags, and other ideas for evergreen content for your next 30 - 60 days of content.

  • Need ongoing support? You get a 1-hour ask me anything call where we can about repurposing strategies, email strategies, longer form content ideas, and how to best map out your calendar with the content we created.

What’s the Investment?

One time payment of $2797

Or two payments of $1397.
First payment must be made prior to work commencing. The second payment must be made prior to our on-site content shoot.

Meet Heidi

Heidi is an award-winning content marketer. She’s worked with businesses of all sizes - from the solopreneur to the larger tech company to help businesses without marketing teams show up consistently on social media in a way that builds brand awareness, and accomplishes business goals. She has more than 15 years of marketing experience in the content and inbound marketing spaces, and was an early adopter in the social media world. She loves helping businesses find new, creative ways to show up on social media.